Tower Guide
Table of Contents
The tower serves as a relay point on the edge for tasks to be sent to and from clients and hosts. It is a critical component of the MEC Anywhere ecosystem as it ensures security and privacy for end users. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up and managing a tower.
To install the tower, you will need to have Docker installed on your machine. You can download Docker from the official Docker website.
Start and serve the tower-server container.
Configure the blockchain endpoint in the
Register the tower using our CLI template actor for towers (different from tower-server). (see pymeca-actors readme)
The tower CLI will look like this:
PS > docker run -it --rm mock_actor_intern
Started tower with address: 0x063E67c13622B6d2E07C1cE175d66bF35F5ad595
Tower is not registered. Registering...
Enter size limit: (10000)
Enter public connection: (
Enter fee: (10)
Enter fee type: (0)
Enter initial deposit: (100)
Tower registered.
0. accept_host
1. delete_host
2. delete_tower
3. get_my_hosts
4. get_pending_hosts
5. is_registered
6. register_tower
7. reject_host
8. update_fee
9. update_tower_public_connection
10. update_tower_size_limit
x. Exit
Enter action:
The CLI will prompt you to enter the necessary information to register the tower if not yet done so. Then there are options to manage hosts registered with the tower. A task will be relayed through the tower-server automatically when a client submits a task to a host registered with the tower. When a host registers with the tower, the tower will have to accept it before the host can start receiving tasks.
Payment for blockchain transactions and fees are done using the account associated with the private key in the environment variables.