Quick Start (local)

  1. Configure keys/env variables (see Configuration -> Secret keys)

  2. Pull submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive in pymeca folder.

  3. Run docker services

  • docker compose up to start all services as containers.

  • docker compose up --build <service_name> to rebuild a specific service.

  • + -f docker-compose-internal.yaml is for working with pymeca library changes.

  • + -f docker-compose.yaml is for working with pymeca version from pypi.


Options: manual, docker local (recommended), docker testnet

Secret keys

  • For manual:

    • Secret keys can be loaded in .env in each service folder. Follow the .env.example file for the required variables.

  • For docker local/testnet:

    • Secret keys are loaded by creating a keys folder in this base directory where compose.yaml is. Each file contains the secret key and the file name is the name of the secret. Required variables are shown in compose.yaml.

      • For python services, you have to add your variables in the settings class in config.py too.

List of keys

Format: key: value

See compose files for the dependent services of each key.

  • tower_private_key.txt: private key of the wallet/account for tower actor that calls the smart contracts