Template Class world_state_t#

Nested Relationships#

Nested Types#

Class Documentation#

template<class params>
class world_state_t#

The world state (YP: \(\sigma\)) class. It cotains all the active accounts and their storage.

Public Types

typedef arith_env_t<params> arith_t#

The arithmetical environment used by the arbitrary length integer library.

typedef arith_t::bn_t bn_t#

The arbitrary length integer type.

typedef cgbn_mem_t<params::BITS> evm_word_t#

The arbitrary length integer type used for the storage. It is defined as the EVM word type.

Public Functions

inline __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ world_state_t (arith_t arith, state_data_t *content)

The constructor of the state given the content.

  • arith – The arithmetical environment

  • content – The content of the state

inline __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ ~world_state_t ()

The destructor of the state.

inline __host__ void free_content ()

The destructor of the state on the host. It use cudaFree to free the memory, because the state is allocated with cudaMallocManaged.

inline __host__ world_state_t(arith_t arith, const cJSON *test)#

The constructor of the state on the host.

It reads the json file and creates the state. It pass through all the account and their storage and creates the corresponding data. It used unnified memory so the state can be easily used on the device.

  • arith – The arithmetical environment

  • test – the json for the current test

inline __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ size_t get_account_index (bn_t &address, uint32_t &error_code)

Get the index of the account with the given address.

  • address[in] The address of the account

  • error_code[out] The error code if the account does not exist


The index of the account

inline __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ account_t * get_account (bn_t &address, uint32_t &error_code)

Get the account with the given address.

  • address[in] The address of the account

  • error_code[out] The error code if the account does not exist


The account

inline __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ size_t get_storage_index (account_t *account, bn_t &key, uint32_t &error_code)

Get the index of the storage inside the given account with the given key.

  • account[in] The account

  • key[in] The key of the storage

  • error_code[out] The error code if the key is not found


The index of the storage in the account

inline __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ void get_value (bn_t &address, bn_t &key, bn_t &value)

Get the value of the storage with the given key from the account with the given address.

  • address[in] The address of the account

  • key[in] The key of the storage

  • value[out] The value of the storage

inline __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ void print ()

Print the state.

inline __host__ __forceinline__ cJSON * json ()

Get json of the state


The json of the state

Public Members

state_data_t *_content#

The content of the state

arith_t _arith#

The arithmetical environment

Public Static Functions

static inline __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ void print_account_t (arith_t &arith, account_t &account)

Print the account.

  • arith[in] The arithmetical environment

  • account[in] The account

static inline __host__ cJSON * json_from_account_t (arith_t &arith, account_t &account)

Get json of the account

  • arith[in] The arithmetical environment

  • account[in] The account


The json of the account

static inline __host__ __device__ __forceinline__ void print_state_data_t (arith_t &arith, state_data_t &state_data)

Print the state data structure.

  • arith[in] The arithmetical environment

  • state_data[in] The state data

static inline __host__ __forceinline__ cJSON * json_from_state_data_t (arith_t &arith, state_data_t &state_data)

Get json from the state data structure.

struct contract_storage_t#

The storage entry type.

Public Members

evm_word_t key#

The key of the storage

evm_word_t value#

The value of the storage for the given key

struct state_data_t#

The state data type.

Public Members

account_t *accounts#

The accounts in the state (YP: \(\sigma\))

size_t no_accounts#

The number of accounts in the state (YP: \(|\sigma|\))